
What kind of tree did this odd-shaped leaf come from? #192296

Asked June 18, 2014, 8:00 PM EDT

Hello, can you help me identify the tree based on this odd-shaped leaf that I picked in a wooded area while walking today?  I'm sorry that I don't remember anything about the tree.  Thank you!

Gwinnett County Georgia

Expert Response

It's kind of difficult to ID from a single leaf but, in looking at the palmate veining and deeply cut sinus', I would guess that this probably came from a fig tree (Ficus carica).  It is common for there to be a great variation in the shapes of leaves on this tree. 
The leaf also looks very much like it could have come from a bloodroot (
Sanguinaria canadensis) which is a low growing wildflower fairly common in the North Georgia woodlands.
If you can come up with a picture of the bark or a little more info, we could probably verify the identification.  You can always bring a sample or contact your local extension office for plant information.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 19, 2014, 4:52 PM EDT

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