
Camellia sinensis has dozens of small bugs along stem #190058

Asked June 10, 2014, 2:51 PM EDT

My camellia sinensis (tea plant) has dozens of tiny (<1mm) bugs, mainly concentrated along the stem of the plant. I recently purchased the plant from, a Florida grower and do not know if the bugs are from Florida or here in Virginia. I'd like to know what the bugs are and how to get rid of them. Attached is a photo I took.

Arlington County Virginia

Expert Response


Your insects appear from the photos to be some kind of aphids.  They should be able to be easily controlled by spraying with Safer's Soap or some other kind of soap water- even sudsy dish soap in water allowed to sit for a few seconds and then sprayed down with the hose to remove soap suds.  Other than that you may bring them in to your nearest Cooperative Extension Office for more positive identification suggestions.  Our Horticulture Help Desk lab is located at 3308 S. Stafford St. Arlington VA and can be reached by email at <personal data hidden>


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