
dying ash trees #189046

Asked June 06, 2014, 11:37 PM EDT

Two ash trees in our suburban yard in SW Montgomery County (PA) are dying, the new leaves have shriveled up and are falling. Could this be from the Emerald Ash borer? Should someone inspect the tree to see if that problem has moved into the area? What do you suggest? The trees will be cut down soon before they could topple onto our house.

Montgomery County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Leaves shriveling up could be a sign of other problems such as Ash Rust or Anthracnose (2 leaf fungal disease we have seen lots of this spring).  Don't jump the gun and cut it down yet.   EAB will cause dead branches in the crown, small D shaped emergence holes in the trunk and sprouting from the trunk.    Look for tiny D shaped holes and dead branches.  If EAB is there, woodpeckers will also be working on the tree.If it is just Ash Rust or Anthracnose, the tree will produce more leaves this year.  You can also take samples to and call the Montgomery County Penn State Extension Office.  They are in Collegeville.  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 10, 2014, 1:45 PM EDT

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