Trunk Damage - Salvageable? - Ask Extension
I planted my Japanese Maple too deep and as a result the trunk bark started to peel away (see image). I've successfully raised the tree and they're no...
Trunk Damage - Salvageable? #189045
Asked June 06, 2014, 11:32 PM EDT
I planted my Japanese Maple too deep and as a result the trunk bark started to peel away (see image). I've successfully raised the tree and they're now planted properly. However, is the trunk's bark damage so bad that the tree is doomed? Will it live?
Warrick County Indiana
Expert Response
I go to the chinese proverb that asks: when is the best time to plant a tree? The answer 20 years ago. When is the second best time? Answer, today. My evaluation is the damge is too extensive to have a great tree. Plant a new one today.