
Asian pear trees problem #183626

Asked May 20, 2014, 6:25 PM EDT

In the pictures does this look like fire blight?

Snohomish County Washington

Expert Response

Fireblight is not known to be in W. WA.  Our temperatures don't get hot enough for this disease.  However, with our rainy season, we certainly get our share of other diseases and some insects.  From the photos it would be impossible to tell what the problem is. We have an office for diagnosing plant problems at 600 128th St SE, Everett, WA 98208. 

What I'd need is a branch to see if there are any sunken areas, or flat areas or random holes caused by exiting insects (round or oval holes or tiny pencil lead sized holes).  Sapsuckers make somewhat square holes in rows but rarely kill trees. Photos of the trunk where it meets the ground can be helpful.  If you can't bring in a branch, photos of the branch bark and the point where the branch meets the trunk can be useful.  Sometimes I can get close to the problem.

Pseudomonas syringae var syringae is a common disease of Asian pears and it is fostered by cool wet weather.

Anthracnose which seems to be our most commonly brought in problem on apple also attacks Asian pear.  And another disease caused by a phytoplasma also causes Pear Decline.

If you can bring in some samples, we'd be glad to take a look.  Our service in Snohomish County is free.  Sometimes diagnosis would need to be cultured in a lab in Puyallup and then we send it there for the cost of postage.

Sharon J. Collman, <personal data hidden>
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 21, 2014, 1:44 AM EDT

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