
What is the insect on our lettuce plants? #182220

Asked May 16, 2014, 9:54 AM EDT

We found this bug (photo attached) on our school-yard lettuce plants. What kind of bug is it, and what will it do?

New Castle County Delaware

Expert Response

The insects appear to be aphids. They have piercing/sucking mouthparts, and they feed on the lettuce. The aphids will secrete a shiny, sticky substance, called honeydew, on the lettuce. When populations increase, you will notice a large number of shed skins stuck in the honeydew or on the foliage. Eventually, sooty mold may grow on the honeydew and cause the lettuce to have a gray-to-black discoloration. Sooty mold is a fungus that lives off the sugars in the honeydew. Sooty mold does not harm the plant, other than potentially reducing its photosynthetic capabilities.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 16, 2014, 11:08 AM EDT

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