
What type of plant is this? #179382

Asked May 05, 2014, 5:30 PM EDT

This plant grows near the edge of a retention pond in my neighborhood. What is it? Are these flowers?

Fort Bend County Texas

Expert Response

Hello and thanks for submitting your questions to eXtension online.  I am the horticulturist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Fort Bend County.

Shoot!  You nearly stumped me with this one.  Seems like I have found it.  The plant in the photo is Curly Dock, Rumex crispus a common range plant, and weed in conventional agriculture. The color of seeds (which those are seeds in your photo) can range from brown, to pink, to yellow, or greenish.  That is what through me off.

I've included this great piece from California concerning this plant.

Good day,


An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 20, 2014, 8:32 PM EDT

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