
What is this stinging grass? #177701

Asked April 28, 2014, 10:12 AM EDT

We have a grass taking over our yard and pastures. It does not respond to round up or other things we have tried. A brush with it is similar to the sting of "bull nettle", leaving fingers numb and tingling and definitely stinging as bad as a fire ant sting. It grows low bushy will crawl under and up through plants but on its on it grows up straighter. Frost and winter did not kill it. WHAT IS THIS WEED? (weed any plant out of place :) We are located near Navasota, TX.

Washington County Texas

Expert Response

Nettles come in many different varieties. A good explanation is at If you have the annual form, the plant will drop seeds and the plant will die. Unfortunately the seeds will germinate in the fall and grow and flower all winter. Cut down the plants as soon as possible to reduce seed dispersal. Spray the re-growth with a broadleaf weed killer with nettle on the label. Roundup will not work or remove the plants by digging out.

In the picture, it looks like the nettle is along a fence row. This is common because the seeds are spread by trucks and tractors driving through an infected area. The seeds stick to the soil on the tires and mud in the tire well. As the truck or tractor move, the seeds drop.

Washington County Extension office
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Brenham, TX
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 28, 2014, 11:23 AM EDT

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