
Large Dark Ants (pile) #176579

Asked April 22, 2014, 9:50 PM EDT

Hello, These ants form on my sidewalk in outrageous numbers. I'm nervous because now I have a 14month old that is learning how to walk. I'm worried as these ants come & go, not always in the same place. I have pictures I can share with you. Can you please help me, I need to know are they good for the yard or the earth & are they dangerous to my little one? What should I do to get rid of them? Someone suggested salt but I don't know. Any help in this matter is highly appreciated. Very Respectfully, Rob

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

These are probably pavement ants, Tetramorium caespitum,althought the image resolution does not allow me to positively identify it. Pavement ants have a sting, but are not aggressive and it uncommon for someone to report a stinging event.  This eXtension video,,  describes solutions to pavement ants in schools and may be helpful should the ants decide to invade your home.  Please contact your local Extension agent to confirm identification and to suggest products labeled for pavement ant management in your state.  A granular ant bait applied when these ants are actively foraging may be sufficient to reduce activity near the sidewalk.  To find your local Extension agent, simply go to, drop in your zip code and choose the office that is most convenient for you.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 25, 2014, 5:15 PM EDT

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