
my Hachiya persimmon tree... #175669

Asked April 17, 2014, 9:17 PM EDT

my Hachiya persimmon tree had the similar problem. Only 3 fruits were harvested last season. How do I get more to stay on the tree and not drop off?

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

As noted in the response concerning your 'Jiro', the problem could be overfertilization or inconsistent water.  There are two other considerations:  your Hachiya seems to be a young tree, so for it to produce even three such beautiful persimmons is a remarkable event.  And, again, patience may be the best tactic.
The 'Hachiya' is also self fertile and is prone to producing parthenocarpic fruit, i.e., fruit with no seeds.  So even a 'sterile' tree can produce fruit.
The weather conditions last year caused numerous fruiting plants to drop fruit prematurely or to simply not produce fruit at all.  It was assumed that the cloudy, rainy weather during the bloom period deterred many pollinating insects from flying.  If similar conditions occur this year, consider hand pollinating the blooms.

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