
cedar rust #171958

Asked March 28, 2014, 12:15 PM EDT

We have a cedar tree (8 feet tall or so), transplanted to its current location about a year ago. It is located in a forest, primarily douglas fir. It is currently covered with cedar rust (recent rains have it looking like it is decorated for an orange themed holiday). Rust is visible on other trees on the property, but this particular cedar tree is of personal significance and is the most densely covered we have seen. Do we need to treat it in any way? Take any precautions with other trees? Just enjoy the orange show?

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Cedar rust....or broom rust..... is a Spring "thing" and will soon go away. It only occurs on incense and does no harm to the tree, but looks like the devil and makes a mess. NO PROB with the could liken it to a minor cold in humans..... no worries whatsoever  :):):)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 28, 2014, 1:17 PM EDT
Just wanted to say thanks for the response, and post a couple of pics. 

Your information was most appreciated
The Question Asker Replied April 05, 2014, 10:27 AM EDT
Just wanted to say thanks for the response, and post a couple of pics. 

Your information was most appreciated
The Question Asker Replied April 05, 2014, 10:27 AM EDT
I have  answered this question a number of times. Cedar rust is a messy, gooey buncha stuff, but it DOES NOT HAVE ANY LONG TERM EFFECTS on your incense cedar. You should considr contacting Dave Shaw, OSU Forest Health Specialist, located on campus. He is the "sick tree" person. No one else is more qualified then Dave. Give him a "call"   <personal data hidden>
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 06, 2014, 9:25 AM EDT

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