Growing hops in North Carolina - Ask Extension
Can hops be grown in North Carolina? What are growing techniques? (esp. hot weather and clay)Where are vines available?
Growing hops in North Carolina #168499
Asked March 01, 2014, 10:39 AM EST
Can hops be grown in North Carolina?
What are growing techniques? (esp. hot weather and clay)
Where are vines available?
What are growing techniques? (esp. hot weather and clay)
Where are vines available?
Franklin County North Carolina
Expert Response
Yes, we can grow hops in North Carolina, but it has yet to be determined if we can grow hops profitably in North Carolina. Go to or for more information.
Specialists from North Carolina State think we have a lot of disease pressure for hops, and since we are growing on a small scale, the hops must be hand-harvested and that is very labor intensive. If you are wanting to grow hops for your own use, this should not be an issue. Contact your local county Extension agent for more information.
Specialists from North Carolina State think we have a lot of disease pressure for hops, and since we are growing on a small scale, the hops must be hand-harvested and that is very labor intensive. If you are wanting to grow hops for your own use, this should not be an issue. Contact your local county Extension agent for more information.