
SIlverfish Elimination #168460

Asked February 28, 2014, 4:37 PM EST

I have had silverfish in my home for over 2 years. The ceiling was damp and we think they may have come in from that exposure since we mainly saw them on the ceiling. I called an exterminator and have been using them for 6 months but we still have the silverfish. They have decreased in number but they are still in my home. Do I just need more time or is there anything else that can eliminate them?

County Illinois

Expert Response

Thank you for your question to eXtension.

Silverfish are most commonly found in moist, warm areas.  Unless the cause of the moisture is found and fixed, the silverfish will never be completely eliminated.  You may want to check a plumber or roofer to track down where the moisture is coming from.

There are various insecticides that can be used by homeowners or professionals to control them.  Your exterminator is probably on the right track, but you can ask for the names of the products if you want to cross reference with one of these publications:

Again, without managing the moisture problem, you will not achieve long-term control.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied March 03, 2014, 12:03 PM EST

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