
Bark damage on big leaf maple #160375

Asked November 13, 2013, 6:39 PM EST

I have a young (3-4yo) big leaf maple with some bark damage. It seems the bark just split for about 12 inches and peeled back. There is space between the bark and heartwood. I also see some soft stuff like wet sawdust with some spider web stuff moved in. I'm including photos.

Benton County Oregon

Expert Response

Please drop this sample off at the Benton County Extension office, 4077 Research Way, Corvallis so they can take a closer look.  The pix isn't clear enough to a good visual ID.

It looks like what is called woolly aphid.  If you squish them, your finger will turn purple.

Control would be with a dormant oil spray.

Protect the maple  - heart wood with a white exterior latex paint.  This will also help to protect from other insect damage.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 14, 2013, 12:07 PM EST

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