How do I find out if I can keep horses on my property? - Ask Extension
I bought my property in 2005, with a barn on the property. I have approx, 2 acres on my side with the use of 6 acres across the street. Behind me ther...
How do I find out if I can keep horses on my property? #157161
Asked October 15, 2013, 2:00 PM EDT
I bought my property in 2005, with a barn on the property. I have approx, 2 acres on my side with the use of 6 acres across the street. Behind me there are horses kept and on the other block from me there are horses. I would like to inquire about a special permit, or to check on (grandfather clause) in my area for live stock.
Jackson County Missouri
Expert Response
To find out this information you would need to contact your local zoning or planning department for the community where the property is located.