
Deer eating new blueberry bushes #155640

Asked October 04, 2013, 1:27 AM EDT

Strategies needed to keep deer from eating new plants.

Lincoln County Oregon

Expert Response

How to I keep birds and other animals away from my blueberries?

The first problem I ran into with blue berries is that every wild animal eats them, and not just the berries. They started with the newly planted bushes.  First the deer came to browse and then the rabbits, and the first 6 plants I put in turned into 2 inch stubs.I fenced the next planting with 3 foot wire, but I still had problems with the deer jumping the fence, so last year I went to a 6 1/2 ft fence. To keep the birds out I built a frame work out of T post, chicken wire, tube steel and conduit, then ran wires to support plastic bird netting. This created safe haven for the plants to grow and berries to ripen pest free.  Having the netting elevated instead of just draped over the plants provides better protection and makes the plants easier to access for harvest and care.
Blueberry enclosureDeer and Bird proof blueberry enclosure
I know there are products to repel deer and rabbits but I’m not convinced in their effectiveness. Same with different tactics to repel hungry birds – nothing is going to be as effective as a physical fence. When you price fencing materials they may seem expensive, but remember a blueberry planting can last 30 years if you manage it properly, so it will be worth it in the long term.
Healthy Blueberry PlantExtra time and effort yields beautiful, healthy plants loaded with berries
 Chicken wire barriers may help.  Netting is more effective to keep the birds away.  There are some home remedies on line but I can't vouch for them
Liz Olsen, Master Gardener Replied October 04, 2013, 5:13 PM EDT

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