
Is this a Hobo Spider? #153948

Asked September 23, 2013, 2:00 PM EDT

Hi I've tried to identify this spider on my own but I keep coming up with a big Maybe. I was wondering if the image attached is a Hobo spider or one of it's harmless cousins? I looked through your links especially the PDF about identifying Hobo spiders from WSU. We have found and killed two of these so far. We didn't realize that we should keep the bodies to identify using the Palps. Any chance you would be able to identify that spider?

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for the excellent picture.  I showed it to our local entomologist and he would need to see it first hand, and maybe dissect the males pedipalps. I agree, the WSU pdf is a excellent article and I see  from your question that you came to the same answer as our 
entomologist.  Be careful and attempt to bring one to your local extension office.
You can locate your county office with this clickable USDA map:
Thank you,

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