Canning soup that contains rice - Ask Extension
Can I jar stuffed pepper soup which contains cooked rice?
Canning soup that contains rice #152099
Asked September 10, 2013, 6:07 PM EDT
Can I jar stuffed pepper soup which contains cooked rice?
Mercer County Pennsylvania
Expert Response
There is no research tested recipe for home canned stuffed pepper soup.
Vegetable soups in a broth base may be safely canned using the process time for the ingredients that takes the longest process time for the individual ingredients in the soup. Most soups will take 60 to 90 minutes to process in a pressure canner depending upon size (pints or quarts) and ingredients. Never can soup in half-gallon containers. Use caution to avoid packing ingredients too solidly in the jars. For vegetable soup, fill the jars half full of solids, add broth allowing 1 inch headspace and process in a pressure canner. There needs to be space for the hot liquid to circulate between the food particles. Pieces of cooked beef or chicken can be added to the vegetables to make a vegetable meat soup .
Adding flour, rice or other thickening agents to a product for home canning, prevents the heat from penetrating to the center of the jar interfering with safe processing to destroy the bacterial spores that cause botulism. Never add thickening agents to a home canned product. Wait until you are ready to prepare the food for serving and then add the flour, cornstarch, or other thickening agent you are using. A good source for a research based vegetable soup is:
Vegetable soups in a broth base may be safely canned using the process time for the ingredients that takes the longest process time for the individual ingredients in the soup. Most soups will take 60 to 90 minutes to process in a pressure canner depending upon size (pints or quarts) and ingredients. Never can soup in half-gallon containers. Use caution to avoid packing ingredients too solidly in the jars. For vegetable soup, fill the jars half full of solids, add broth allowing 1 inch headspace and process in a pressure canner. There needs to be space for the hot liquid to circulate between the food particles. Pieces of cooked beef or chicken can be added to the vegetables to make a vegetable meat soup .
Adding flour, rice or other thickening agents to a product for home canning, prevents the heat from penetrating to the center of the jar interfering with safe processing to destroy the bacterial spores that cause botulism. Never add thickening agents to a home canned product. Wait until you are ready to prepare the food for serving and then add the flour, cornstarch, or other thickening agent you are using. A good source for a research based vegetable soup is: