When do cottonwood trees bloom in Dayton, Ohio & when does the fluff start floating through the air? - Ask Extension
When do cottonwood trees bloom in Dayton, Ohio & when does the fluff start floating through the air? About when does the cottonwood fluff stop flo...
When do cottonwood trees bloom in Dayton, Ohio & when does the fluff start floating through the air? #150388
Asked August 31, 2013, 5:45 PM EDT
When do cottonwood trees bloom in Dayton, Ohio & when does the fluff start floating through the air? About when does the cottonwood fluff stop floating through the air?
Montgomery County Ohio
Expert Response
Depends upon the year and air temperature. The pollen starts in late March and April. The seeds are transported in the cottony fluff in May and June. Unless there are some odd balls stuck in the tree, the fluff should be done in June.
Greg Meyer
Greg Meyer