
Mulch on a hill #150114

Asked August 30, 2013, 12:07 AM EDT

Good evening,
I recently had a pro come and clear out my front yard. It looks great and they even put down weed killer, but that won't hold up forever. So I'm wondering, with this kind of hill can i use mulch? If so, how should I put the mulch down to avoid losing it all? Also, should I wait till after my two full grown trees lose their leaves? Lastly... If I can use mulch, can i do the idea on the link below? I think a two color mulch (minus the waling stones) would be really cool!

Thank you!

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

You certainly do have enough stones to make a path and also some sort of feature in your yard. You will need to put down edging of some sort or use your stones as the edging to hold the mulch in place.  I don't know if just mulch will work on your very steep hill.  Rain has a tendency to wash mulch downhill.  You could do a path at an angle across the hill and the edging would serve to help stop the downward slide of mulch.  You might be better served to have a ground cover on the slope with the diagonal path and then mulch on the flat part of the landscape.  Please visit our publication on ground covers:
/DG1114.html  Perhaps a mixture of ground covers and low-growing spreading shrubs will be the answer.

Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied August 31, 2013, 10:16 PM EDT
Thank you very much Miss Barbara! I love the ideas, and was actually looking at grasses at the fair today :) I think it's a great idea and I didn't even consider woody plants (on the link)!

Thank you again and I hope  you have a great rest of your summer :)

p.s. for a smile I attached a cute/ funny picture of my pup with his favorite toy, a stuffed (well not so stuffed) dragon hope you like it! 
The Question Asker Replied August 31, 2013, 11:04 PM EDT
Thank you.  I also have a dog....a very playful German Shepard.  Have a good fall and good luck.
Barbara, Anoka County MG, TCA Replied September 01, 2013, 8:02 PM EDT

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