
Lily of the Valley leaves... #148363

Asked August 21, 2013, 9:32 AM EDT

Lily of the Valley leaves start turning brown in mid-summer

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Lily of the Valley ((Convallaria) is a tough, long lived perennial that suffers from very few disease or instect problems. Because they are one of the earliest plants to bloom in the garden, they also show wear and tear earlier than others.  By the end of the summer they often look pretty ratty.  After many years in one location it is beneficial to these plants to be dug up, thinned out and moved, or replanted in refreshed soil.  They prefer a shady to partly shady location and may show browning if the get "sun-burned".

Here is a list of some of the most common problems that could afflict your plant:

Thanks for contacting AaE.  Please do so again if you have further questions.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 21, 2013, 10:32 AM EDT

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