
Unknown Bug #145873

Asked August 07, 2013, 3:59 PM EDT

Overnight hundreds, even possible thousands of these bugs appeared. I don't know what they are or how to get rid of them. They are making their way to my vegetable garden. They are about the size of a fruit fly. They jump like a flea, and they fly. When you look closely at them, the black on them has an iridescent shine.

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

These are called flea beetles, see for more pictures. These beetles often migrate en mass into home gardens from nearby agricultural fields after the fields are harvested. They can damage garden plants but are not otherwise harmful. The best solution is to work with the farmer to reduce the infestation in their fields (contact your county Extension office for their suggestions as well). Second, gardens can be treated with neem oil or spinosad insecticides when the beetles are migrating, this won't stop all the beetles but it may protect some of the garden plants.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 07, 2013, 6:45 PM EDT

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