
Bald Cypress Balls #145291

Asked August 05, 2013, 10:59 AM EDT

I have two bald cypress trees in my yard. Both are about 12 years old. Two years ago one developed many small green spheres on the end of the branches as shown in the attached photo. Last year there were only a few. About a month ago they appeared again, more numerous on one tree. As spring approaches, they appear to dry out and crack, revealing a very resinous interior. Photo shows several attached to a branch and one cut in half. What are they and do I have to do something about them?

Albemarle County Virginia

Expert Response

Hello!  This is normal - it's the fruit of the bald cypress.  Nothing to worry about.

Please drop us another line if you need anything else.  Cathy
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 06, 2013, 4:49 PM EDT
Cathy -

Thanks for the response.  Since the balls are the fruit of the tree, can I propagate new bald cypress trees from the balls?  How - just plant them?
- George Burdell
The Question Asker Replied August 07, 2013, 6:34 AM EDT
Hi George,  Good Morning! 
Go here for info on propagation bald cypress from their fruit ...

An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 07, 2013, 8:59 AM EDT

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