
Vitex trees not blooming this year #145250

Asked August 05, 2013, 8:39 AM EDT

Usually my Vitex trees are purple all over. This Spring they bloomed out gorgeous, but that was it.  All the seed plumes are there and hardly any flowers. It gets a lot of water and sun.  Any ideas?

Harris County Texas

Expert Response

Vitex often will produce its big bloom show in summer and then not bloom much after that. Vitex blooms on the terminals or end of the branches. So promoting more growth will promote more blooms. To encourage reblooming prune the plant back heavily after it's bloom show and then provide a good watering to soak the soil, which will promote regrowth and more blooms.
Robert "Skip" Richter Replied August 05, 2013, 10:36 AM EDT

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