
Sunset Maple turning red early #144789

Asked August 02, 2013, 8:24 AM EDT

I had a sunset maple planted at the end of May and have noticed as the summer progresses its leaves have slowly begun to turn red early.   Some leaves have fallen.   I have kept it well watered all summer giving it a good soaking at least once a week.   I always probe the soil beneath the mulch before watering to prevent over watering.   When I look around at similar maples that have been planted recently, they too exhibit some red foliage.  Is this normal and simply related to transplant stress or do I have a more serious issue?   Thanks!

Kent County Michigan

Expert Response

Even with all the rain we have had the most likely answers in there is not enough root system for the tree. Most of the root system was removed when the tree was transplanted. The tree will be weak and grow poorly for several years until the root system reestablishes itself. Removing some of the weaker branches on the trunk that are crowded close together will help reduce the stress and perhaps eliminate problems down the road. Remove branches that are crowded together. Ask yourself if you want that branch 5 years from now and if not remove it. The tree is already making that decision by having some of the weaker branches die. In general, remove smaller branches from the trunk and any branches that come off at a tight angle. If the trunk splits into two equal branches you should remove one side. Maples can form very tight branch angles and form bark inclusions, where bark prevents wood formation at the top of the branch attachment. Years later big weak limbs can be blown off in a wind storm. see attached photo
Mark Longstroth Replied August 02, 2013, 10:48 AM EDT
That's for taking the time for your prompt response!
The Question Asker Replied August 02, 2013, 1:18 PM EDT

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