
Pumpkin plant just up and died! #141945

Asked July 20, 2013, 1:39 PM EDT

I planted two pumpkin plants together and last week one of them started wilting.  I watered it, but it just got worse and worse until it died.  I don't know if there is a bug or disease or something else that could have caused it, but I want to find out before I lose the other plant!  I have seen some beetles around.  Following are pics of some beetles, but I have also seen bigger, flatter ones around that are kinda pointed around the shoulder area.  Could they be the cause?  My corn is also starting to die around the edges of the leaves.  Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!

Davis County Utah

Expert Response

Hello:  Thanks for the great pictures!  The beetles in the flower are striped cucumber beetles.  They are also responsible for the feeding on the corn leaves.  They cause the most damage feeding on the fruits of melons and pumpkins.

Here is a fact sheet with more info:

The larger, flattened bugs you see are probably squash bug.  Squash bugs would be responsible for killing your pumpkin.  They feed on the stem, cutting off the supply of water to the leaves.  But also, striped cucumber beetle larvae feed on roots, so they may also have contributed to the injury.

Here is another fact sheet:

As far as treating these two pests, that will be tricky! 

For cucumber beetle, spray with Sevin, targeting the adults.  Do not spray the open flowers, and spray at night or at dawn to avoid harming pollinators.

For the squash bug, they are more difficult to treat because they hide during the day.  Two organic options are Pyganic (or any material containing "pyrethrin") or insecticidal soap.  They should be sprayed every few days, but must come in contact with the sqash bug to kill them.  Do not spray when temps are at or over 90 F; morning or evening would be best.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 29, 2013, 12:02 PM EDT

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