
I have 2 ninebark (Summer... #139658

Asked July 09, 2013, 8:57 PM EDT

I have 2 ninebark (Summer Wine) and noticed this evening that the upper branches are covered with a white substance that looks like Elmer's Glue! I also noticed it starting on nearby hollies. The humidity is a factor I imagine but I need to know what it is and how to treat it. Thanks so much. You guys are always right on

Harford County Maryland

Expert Response

Please send photos of the white substance in question so we can see what you may be dealing with.
Here are pictures, not so good, of the white sticky looking stuff on my ninebark.  Mealy bugs???  Pictures below.
The Question Asker Replied July 10, 2013, 11:29 AM EDT
Your photos are not in focus. However, the white substance on the stems looks like a planthopper, a sucking insect. They do not cause a lot of damage and no control is necessary. See our Plant diagnostic Website for photos

Maybe these 2 are a little clearer.  I'm not so good with a camera.  Sorry.
The Question Asker Replied July 10, 2013, 12:07 PM EDT
The photos are in focus. The white substance on the plant stems are planthoppers, a sucking insect. We have been getting many reports of this insect. No control is necessary.

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