

Asked July 04, 2013, 9:01 PM EDT

I HAVE SPENT HOURS LOOKING IN CATALOGS FOR THIS PLANT COULD YOU HELP PLEASE IT HAS OVER RUN OUR GARDEN. IT'S LEAVES ARE ABOUT 8 INCHES LONG. at first we thought one of our children spilt seeds on the bed but now it getting out of control. we have a small mellon patch and this is over growing it.

Clackamas County Oregon

Expert Response

Good day, and thank you for using Ask an Expert, also for attaching an image of your mystery plant.   Identification is easiest when the unknown plant is in flower.  But judging from your comment that it is overgrowing your melon patch, I doubt you want to wait that long.  

My thoughts at this time:
- If you have only one of these plants in the garden, you might consider getting rid of it before it interferes with your melons.  (Weeds may arrive on a breeze, be dropped by birds and/or be tracked in.)
- If you have a number of the plants, is there any chance it was from your seed packets?
-  What are the leaves like:  Soft and slightly hairy; woolly; or smooth?  

When you reply to me, please attach several more images: one of the weed from the side, also one or two of the entire planting area.


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