
In late spring, I notice... #137784

Asked June 30, 2013, 6:22 PM EDT

In late spring, I noticed that our mature pin oak tree had limbs with brown leaves. Then the pin oak lost some leaves and several branches are now bare. I suspect anthracnose since the ground at the base of the tree puddles with water when it rains. What should be done--remove tree limbs or leave them? can we plant a shade shrub or plant underneath to help with drainage? The tree is on the west side of the house, somewhat shaded by the house. Photos are attached. Thank you. Barbara

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Given the cool, damp weather we experienced this spring, anthracnose was a very prevalent and common problem.  Typically, anthracnose is not lethal to trees that are capable of re-foliating.  Also, even though pin oaks will tolerate 'wet feet' more easily than many other trees, It would be appropriate to divert some water away from the tree,  The tree is obviously mature and unless the grade of the landscape has been changed quite recently, the tree has probably had to deal with lots of water for some time.  It is always appropriate to remove dead limbs from trees, especially oaks.  Oak trees tend to self prune and falling limbs can be hazardous.

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