
Colorado Blue Spruce disease? #134670

Asked June 16, 2013, 7:46 PM EDT

I have a Colorado Blue Spruce that is about 11 years old and it lost a lot of needles this spring.  I gave it a dose of Bayers Tree and Shrub, but it has only gotten a small amount of new growth.  I wanted to see if there was anything else that I should be doing for it. Attached are some pictures.  It is about 7 ft tall and get irrigation water on a regular basis during the spring, summer and fall

Mesa County Colorado

Expert Response

It's looking like a lot of our evergreens this year.  It's not a disease - it's most likely winter desiccation from two unusually dry winters.  It is possible it will survive, but it will look pretty bad for a few years.  Winter water in the future will be critical to its survival.

Is it on a drip system?  If so, you will need to expand the drip line and add additional emitters.  Trees need to be watered out several times the height of the tree, not just at the base.  If there is plastic under those rocks, it needs to be removed.

Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 18, 2013, 12:40 PM EDT

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