
Meteorite? #133552

Asked June 11, 2013, 2:57 PM EDT

A Lake County resident found this rock 30 years ago on his desert property. He would like to know if it is a meteorite or, if not, what type of rock it might be. It weighs 4.59 lbs, and is not magnetic.

Lake County Oregon

Expert Response

OSU Extension does not currently have a specialist in this area. However, Portland State University in Portland, Ore., is home to the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory. Their website has a significant amount of information regarding meteorite identification and research. It even includes a page titled, "Think you've got a meteorite?" with detailed information on identification protocol and how to contact their staff. Check it out at,, and good luck. Thank you for using our 'Ask Our Expert' system.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 11, 2013, 7:00 PM EDT

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