
Rust on Lantanas #132340

Asked June 05, 2013, 4:15 PM EDT

I believe I have rust on my lantanas - what can I do to prevent its spreading = is there a
spray to conteract this rust?  Also, is rust a virus or bacterial.?
I am a Master gardener since 2002 and I grow lantanas every year.  So far, they all have come back in January or February.  I only put compost on my yard, but the other day, my daughter put out Scotts Weed and Feed because I have a lot of weeds this year.  Could this cause the rust looking leaves on my lantanas?

Tarrant County Texas

Expert Response

Lantana rust had not been reported in this area. Usually lantana rust is found in New Zealand and Austria although I have heard it is now in South America. This could be damage from the weed and feed fertilizer. Lantana is pretty tough. Cut back the plants with the damage and see what the re-growth looks like. Hope it comes back strong and undamaged. Also give the Tarrant County Master Gardener help desk a call about this. If there is lantana rust around Steve Chaney will have told the Master Gardeners who run the help desk,<personal data hidden> or bring it up at the next Master Gardener meeting. Take a sample into the office or email Steve some pictures. Steve is very good about diagnosis.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 11, 2013, 11:56 PM EDT

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