
Pecan Sapling branches falling off spontaneously and alarmingly quickly #124648

Asked April 30, 2013, 8:36 PM EDT


We've got a pecan sapling growing in our backyard that's about 7 years old.  I don't know what kind it is, since a squirrel originally buried it (the nut) in a planter.  You might say I'm a bit attached, since I've watched this thing grow literally since it sprouted out of the ground.

A week or so ago, it looked great, the leaves were growing out nicely, and there was new growth on the main part of the stem.  3 or 4 weeks ago we pruned off a major branch that was competing with the main stem, and sprayed the nub with a sealant to keep bugs out (it was giving the sapling a "Y" shape, not good so close to the house).  

About a week ago, the branch growing straight out of the top of the sapling broke off.  Three days ago, we pruned a nearby trash tree to give the sapling more light (we'd been meaning to do so for a while, and were careful not to let anything touch the sapling).  Between now and two or three days ago, two more sapling branches fell off, one lost about half its length, and the only other big one is just hanging on, but the outside layer of the stalk of the sapling is split right next to the base of the branch (so it's about to fall off as well.  See the picture).

All of the branches had healthy green leaves a week ago (and the remaining leaves still look good).  There's also a branch laying on the ground with green leaves still on it, so I don't think it could have just died or anything like that.  There are also new buds starting to pop out all over the place near where the new growth on the main stem is.  

It was moved from the planter to the ground about 3 or 4 years ago.  It's been growing faster and faster each year, and seemed like it was really about to take off.

We had hail about 3 weeks ago, but I don't see how that could make branches start falling off now.

It doesn't seem like any bugs chewed it up, though I wouldn't really know what to look for.  It looks more like something just pulled the branches off at the base, but no one goes near the sapling and we don't have any kids or dogs.

Do you have any idea what could be making these branches fall, and if the sapling will live when the rest undoubtedly fall off?  I've included pictures of the sapling at locations where the branches have fallen/are falling off as well.

Thank you!


Travis County Texas

Expert Response

I am not seeing your included pictures, so despite your description, I can only guess that your tree has been visited by racoons, opossums or the like. Pecan trees can lose substantial limbs from mechanical-damage without serious jeopardy to the tree, provided it is otherwise growing in appropriate soil, receiving good water, etc.
If you are unable identifying a culprit causing limb breakage, I suggest you attempt to send pictures directly to my signature email address or to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension office in your home county.

Monte L. Nesbitt, Ph.D. Replied May 03, 2013, 5:40 PM EDT

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